Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a measure of how we value and perceive ourselves. Modesty aside, having a healthy image of oneself is an important part of life, as otherwise, one becomes subject to low self-esteem and poor self-image.

When you yourself are the first one to doubt your abilities, not believe in yourself, and are not cognizant of your special spark, you are then treated so by others. Naturally, when you are under-selling yourself, people will not be convinced of your talents either.

People suffering from low self-esteem are also not confident in their abilities, causing them to self-sabotage. Their performance in all walks of life also suffers. Many are also then abused by people, who undersell and underpay them for their talents and manipulate them as well.

Moreover, low self-esteem can also cause self-hatred, lead to anxiety and even depression. While not every episode of self-criticism is chalked as low self-esteem, since we all have good and bad days, however, if you observe the following signs of low self-esteem, you need to schedule an appointment with a mental health expert via

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Confidence Issues

Whereas we all have butterflies in the stomach, moments before public speech or exam, however, those with poor self-esteem have a perpetual issue of confidence, regardless of the situation.

They are not convinced of their abilities themselves, since they perceive themselves poorly. Moreover, due to a lack of faith in their abilities, they also have difficulty and anxiety navigating new terrains. Those who already have confidence issues have even worsened the situation of self-esteem.

Not Ask For Anything

People suffering from low self-esteem have a difficult time asking for help or voicing their needs for that matter. They are hesitant in seeking anyone’s help, as they think themselves unworthy of it.

Moreover, they are not in habit of fulfilling their desires, due to which they do not voice their needs. The poor self-image also prevents them from asking others for anything, as they do not think themselves worth the effort the other person has to go through to cater to their needs.

Boundary Problems

Another sign of low self-esteem is that such people are unable to set healthy boundaries for themselves. Since they already considered themselves not worthy of love, they, therefore, allow people to use them as doormats.

Establishing boundaries and saying no are rooted in one’s feeling of being valued and respected, which those suffering from low self-esteem lack.

What Is Low Self-Esteem?HealthyPlace


Also impact of lack of boundaries, those having low self-esteem are also big people-pleasers. Their need to be validated by others, since their own perception of self is extremely poor, makes them forgo boundaries and do anything to please others around them.

They thus go above and beyond to accommodate others, often at the expense of their own self and comfort. They end up doing things they do not want to, as saying no causes them guilt and stress.


People suffering from low self-esteem are also into negative self-talk, whereby their mind gets fixated on their flaws and shortcomings, further perpetuating the esteem issues.

Word of Advice: Seek Help

Low self-esteem not only has a grave impact on your quality of life, but it also causes social problems as well. Your relationships suffer, you are more likely to suffer from emotional abuse and are more prone to being taken advantage of.

That is not all there is to low self-esteem; it also leads to grave mental health issues as well. Anxiety, eating disorders, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and even substance abuse are some of the mental health problems associated with low self-esteem.

Therefore, it is imperative that you seek help from a Psychiatrist in Islamabad if you observe these signs in yourself.  Every life is sacred and every person precious; do not let your mind treat you otherwise!