Dental Veneer as A Dental Cosmetic Treatment

Dental Cosmetic Treatment

Do you have a broken, chipped, or cracked tooth due to trauma and accidents? Do you feel sorry about the appearance of your smile? Do you always avoid smiling due to your misaligned teeth? Do not worry. Cosmetic dentistry has solved all of these problems. Nowadays, there are many ways to bring you a glorious smile with cosmetic dentistry treatments. The dental veneer, teeth whitening, dental implant, denture, and orthodontics are cosmetic treatments. These treatments can improve the appearance of your smile and boost your self-confidence. That’s why the majority of people look to go to dental cosmetic centers these days. Dr. Ebrahim AminSalehi, a professional dentist from Pearl Dental Group in, argues,” the number of patients who go for cosmetic dental operations has increased by an average of 20 percent over the past three years.”

What Are Dental Veneers?

As mentioned above, one of these dental cosmetic treatments is the dental veneer. It is a perfect way to reinvent your smile. Dental veneers are ultra-thin, shell-like covers attached to the upper or visible surface of the tooth. They are composed of two types of composite resins or porcelain materials. Veneers improve the appearance of the teeth. They can change the color of the teeth and their size, shape, and even length. They also closely mimic the color of the patient’s natural teeth.

The Advantages of Dental Veneers

Veneers are like teeth. They can crack and chip, so people need to be careful when wearing them. Although they can withstand natural wear and tear, some considerations need to be observed.

Veneers can be used for one or two teeth, or sometimes for the whole teeth.

One of the advantages of veneers is that they can fix chips, gaps, misalignments, discolored teeth, worn down teeth.

When you are going to have dental veneers, you should choose a color of white that looks natural. Making your teeth whiter with dental veneers is not a good idea.

Another advantage of the dental veneer is its life long. They are fixed in place in a way that just a cosmetic dentist can remove them. They last between fifteen to twenty years.

Dental Cosmetic Treatment

Post- Caring for Dental Veneers

you may probably feel sore and uncomfortable in your mouth and your gums for a few days after the operation. You may also experience some tooth sensitivity. This is perfectly normal and will go away as your mouth heals, but you can take painkillers if you still feel pain or sensitivity. Continue brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. Be sure to avoid chewing anything that can harm and break your teeth. The better you take care of your teeth, the longer your veneers will last.

Is Everyone Eligible for Dental Veneers?

This cosmetic dental method is one of the least invasive method. Still, when a person goes for applying dental veneers, there are some considerations that may avoid a dentist suggesting a dental veneer to you. These conditions include having the habit of teeth clenching or grinding, significant structural damage to the teeth, gum disease, severe congestion of teeth, poor oral hygiene or excessive cavities, labial version of the teeth, crossbite, or underbite. It’s better to consult with your cosmetic dentist about whether the veneer is right for you or not. Remember, as we mentioned earlier, there are many options for choosing a smile, and the dental veneer is not the only choice. So choose the best option for your situation.